Tin tức

Tại sao chúng ta cần phải sửa điểm tín dụng?

7/11/2024 Admin

Most Vietnamese may have similar surnames, but they don't know these things. Some credit reporting companies do not check their customers' credit score regularly to keep track of the credit score report.

Nội dung chính:

    Faulty Credit Reporting

    Did you know that 4 out of 5 Americans experience errors on their credit report?

    Your Credit Score is Below 650

    The average credit score is 650. If your credit score is not above 650, it's time to fix it. 

    Make Your Life & Work Easier

    A good credit score makes it easy to buy a new car or house, or simply to apply for a job.

    We have law firm working for you around the clock.

    Helps you solve these problems quickly, so you can have a clean Credit Report and easily improve your credit score later.

    Tips: Most (about 80%) credit reporting companies do it wrong. Therefore, you may get a bad credit score due to their mistakes.

    One of the reasons is: the same name, the same surname, the same address, or the same date of birth.

    Most Vietnamese may have similar surnames, but they don't know these things. Some credit reporting companies do not check their customers' credit score regularly to keep track of the credit score report.

    Consequently, they cannot promptly fix the problems of Bad Credit.

    Our Debt Relief Company handles your Credit issues through highly qualified attorneys.

    Along with our professional service, in addition, your case will be represented by an attorney. Your records will be kept confidential.

    Contact us now


    Văn phòng giảm nợ/ sửa điểm tín dụng hàng đầu cho người Việt ở Mỹ

    408 586 8500

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